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Using VCE Units in Senior RE

Justice issues can be integrated into many aspects of VCE courses in senior school RE programs. An example of this is the International Politics study design.SENIOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: USING THE 2006 RE-ACCREDITED VCE UNITS
This course has changed significantly with the integration of the International Studies and Politics study designs into International Politics. Many school used International Studies Unit 2: Internationalism to build an RE unit for senior students based on the Church’s work and teaching in areas such as aid and development and human rights.
The new study design is less straight forward, but Unit 2:The Global Picture does offer opportunities to construct a unit suitable for RE but still remain within the spirit and prescriptions of the study design.
 A suggested approach follows.
 Key concepts and ideas in International Relations.
*       Examine such terms as developed world, colonialism, globalisation, human rights; and events or movements such as the Cold War, the United Nations, nuclear weaponry, terrorism and environment.
*       Students could take one of these terms or events, examine in groups and report their findings to the class. This would minimise time spent on these introductory concepts.
Satisfies AOS 1/Outcome 1 Key Knowledge points 1,2,3
Aid and Development Issues
*       Examine major issues related to aid and development, including crisis/emergency and development aid; the Millenium goals and Live 8 concerts, MakePovertyHistory Campaign; debt relief, trade and aid.
*       Consider the work of Caritas Australia as the Australian Church’s aid and development agency.
*       Assessment task on Aid/Development and the work of Caritas.
Further satisfies AOS 1/Outcome 1 Key Knowledge points 1,2,3
Work of the Roman Catholic Church in International Relations
*       Briefly look at the history of the Vatican as a state, and its international obligations now.
*       Explore the moral and political (rather than military or economic) influence of the Church in international relations.
*       Look at the development of Catholic Social Teaching over the past 100 years, examine the main themes, and apply the themes to one or more international issues.
*       Assessment task on Catholic Social Teaching.
Satisfies AOS 1/Outcome 1 Key Knowledge point 4
An Example of International Cooperation
*       Consider the plight of refugees, including worldwide refugee information from the UNHCR; significant populations of refugees in the world; present Australian Govt policy regarding refugees.
*       Examine the work of a major Catholic refugee agency such as Mercy Refugee Service, Jesuit Refugee Centre etc …
*       Assessment task on Church response to refugees.
Satisfies AOS 2/Outcome 2 Key Knowledge points 1,2
Conflict and Instability in the World
*       Consider the issues related to war, peace and terrorism including review of Cold War and the development of nuclear weapons; the cost of armaments; and the rise of terrorism at an international level.
*       Examine the teaching of the Church on just war and pacifism.
*       Assessment task on Church teaching on just war and pacifism.
Satisfies AOS 2/Outcome 2 Key Knowledge points 2,3
East Timor as a newly emerged nation
*       Examine the history of East Timor including Portuguese colonisation, de-colonisation and Indonesian occupation, and eventual independence.
*       Consider the present economic. Political, social, cultural and religious situation of East Timor.
*       Examine the place of the Church in East Timor, and Church aid and other organisations working in the country.
*       Assessment task on the Church in East Timor.
Satisfies AOS 2/Outcome 2 Key Knowledge points 4,5,6